Frequently Asked Questions
- Click on this link to create your account - Click Here
- Once you've signed up, give us a few days time to approve your account
- Once your account is approved, your affiliate code will be active, offering a 10% discount on any purchase at Limese.
- You can share the code on social platforms like Instagram and YouTube, or with your friends and family.
Please note: Having a public Instagram account is not mandatory. Limese requests your Instagram profile to potentially contact you for future marketing campaigns.
- Each time your coupon code is used, you earn a 10% commission on the purchase amount.
- At the end of the month, Limese will issue a discount coupon based on your total commissions earned.
- You can find your discount coupon in the payments section of your affiliate dashboard.
You can login here to access your affiliate dashboard - Click Here
Once your discount code appears in the payments section of your affiliate dashboard, you can use it at checkout for any purchase on Limese.
Please allow us up to one week for account approval. If there are any delays, please WhatsApp us at +91 72089 91905 for assistance.
Yes, you will receive an email notification once your account is approved.